The Necessity Of Changing Disposable Cleaning Face Towel

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As a board-certified dermatologist and a researcher of the American Academy of Dermatology, I often see skin conditions caused by improper skin care. Most people are more concerned about which product to apply to the skin or which type of cleanser is best.


As a board-certified dermatologist and a researcher of the American Academy of Dermatology, I often see skin conditions caused by improper skin care. Most people are more concerned about which product to apply to the skin or which type of cleanser is best.

But how to properly dry the skin and take care of it for a long time? Should we use the same towel for our body and our face?

Clean and dry towels are ideal. Take the time to understand that towel hygiene is a great help to skin health.

It's simple, the basics are nothing-everyone should have a separate towel for body and face. This is especially important if you are prone to acne or have sensitive skin.

According to the expected body parts, each product incorporates a lot of scientific knowledge. Facial products will not clog pores and have a more sensitive formula. But the same cannot be said for other products for other body parts. Therefore, body moisturizers are designed to deeply moisturize (clog pores), body exfoliating soaps are designed to break down scaly skin (which easily causes irritation), and even shampoos used to wash away oil (leave overly dry skin)-but If they get on your face, they can cause pimples, closed pores, or irritation. Towels can easily transfer products used on the body to the face and cause problems.

How often should a person change his/her face towel before it is harmful to the skin?

After the first use, bacteria will start to grow immediately. Our entire body has a bacterial microbiome, which usually exists on our skin. After drying with a towel, we will leave behind dead skin cells, bacteria, grease, cosmetics and sweat. However, people with acne-prone or severely sensitive skin are more likely to react due to the bacteria remaining on the towel.

I always recommend using hypoallergenic laundry soap (designed for sensitive skin) to wash towels in warm water. Bath towels that are used to wipe dry after showering can be used multiple times before washing, as long as the towels are completely dry outside the bathroom (the accumulation of mold or bacteria is not desired). However, hand towels should be washed and replaced every one to two days, because they are used frequently and sometimes the hands cannot be 100% clean.

How often should we wipe the towel?

To prevent the accumulation of bacteria and mold, your towel should be completely dry between uses. I recommend storing the towels outside the bathroom and drying them (3M hooks are life-saving straws for making new hooks outside the bathroom) to prevent the bathroom from getting wet after the shower. Constantly damp towels can cause yeast to accumulate and the towels become dirty.

It is ideal to use fresh flowing air to dry the towels in a dry climate (not near the shower). The goal is to dry quickly and completely dry between uses. I do recommend preventing folding towels when they are dry. This is a simple technique: reuse the department store trouser rack, which has a clip, and hang the towel vertically from a hook.

For most people, face towels should be changed every one to two days. Bath towels can reduce the number of replacements, usually three to five times before needing to be washed. If you are prone to acne, rosacea or skin allergies, you should change towels frequently. If your towel has any peculiar smell or visible dirt, it is definitely time to change the towel.

Anyone who has concerns about skin care or skin rashes should consult their board-certified dermatologist, such as me, to see how to improve their skin care routine.


Most people hang towels in the shower. But the best place is where the humidity is low outside the bathroom.
Of course, the best way is to turn the towel into Disposable Cleaning Wipe.

Of course, Disposable Cleaning Face Towel is also very suitable for such a daily routine, after all, it is more convenient and hygienic.

