The History of Syringe Pad Printing Machine

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The Syringe Pad Printing Machine or tampoprinting has undergone a lot of development from the time it was used first. These days we have automated pad print which is highly efficient.

One of the main reasons tampo pad printing has found itself in today’s printing industry is due

The Syringe Pad Printing Machine or tampoprinting has undergone a lot of development from the time it was used first. These days we have automated pad print which is highly efficient.

One of the main reasons tampo pad printing has found itself in today’s printing industry is due to the discovery of silicone as the perfect medium in the printing press.

In the early years, a gelatine pad was used instead of silicone which transfers the image onto the surfaces of watches by using flame treatment.

A basic form of pad stamping started about two centuries ago with the first offset hand printing techniques that used soft gelatin bags to print an image. While printing plates these days are phtochemically engraved on hardened steel, the first used printing plates were made of copper with all the engravings being done by hand.

Blue china plates and crockery was perhaps the first application of pad printing techniques in those days. However, the first modern version of pad printing was seen in Swiss watches. Various applications have hence some forth. Industrial processes were then improved to make the processes more automated and faster.

The ability of the technique to print on surfaces that weren’t considered printable earlier made it a popular technique amongst imaginations and designers. Pad printing, today is a well-recognized technology with a wide range of applications being covered in all industries.

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