Some issues with Inflatable Paddle Board Factory storage

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4 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Inflatable Paddle Board Factory's SUP Board Storage


4 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Inflatable Paddle Board Factory's SUP Board Storage
1. Where is the best place to store my boards?
You can store your boards anywhere in your house/garage/shed. Insulated areas are the best option for storage. Do not store SUP near the water heater in the basement.

The only place you shouldn't store boards is where it's too hot or too cold. The recommended board storage space temperature is between 40-110 degrees Fahrenheit. For safety, we recommend a paddleboard garage storage unit that is clean, safe, and easily accessible.

Need to maximize storage space? Paddle board racks are the perfect solution! SUP racks, also known as ledges, transform your storage space in a more organized way. Paddle mounts do a great job of protecting your paddle, as they allow you to mount the board away from other items that might bite or scratch your SUP. Want to go a step further? Ceiling racks allow you to maximize the storage capacity of your garage ceiling! Just make sure it has the proper weight capacity.

2. Can I store my boards under my deck?
No, because your paddle is prone to direct sunlight during the day. Putting your board in direct sunlight are some of the most important things you should never do with a paddle board.

3. Should I store the paddles in or out of the bag? (Inflatable SUPS and Paddle Board)
anyone! Storing the paddle board in the day bag will not affect its integrity or durability. For an inflatable stand-up paddle, it can cause creases as it gets rolled up to fit in the bag for extended periods of time. However, once you pump up the inflatable SUP, the crease disappears.

If you're storing epoxy boards in bags, it's important to store them indoors or in a climate-controlled space.

4. Should my inflatable paddle be inflated or deflated?
It doesn't matter whether you store your inflated SUP inflated or deflated. No damage will be done either way. If you decide to keep it inflated, we recommend releasing some PSI in case the area where you store the board gets too hot. Excessive heat can damage the seal of the circuit board.

For more product-related information, please click: China Skateboard Manufacturer

