Introduction of Automatic Chocolate Moulding Line

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Automatic Chocolate Moulding Line 's Moulding Machine


Automatic Chocolate Moulding Line 's Moulding Machine
Well, as we mentioned before, chocolate molding machines are especially important in the preparation of chocolate molds.

Even so, there are different types of molded products:

Moulded chocolate

Solid-mainly composed of chocolate.
Inclusions-this category includes chocolate and some extras (ground nuts, raisins, rice flakes, and fruit flakes). You can alternately place these two components in the mold. That is, either the chocolate is added first, or the chocolate is added first, and vice versa.
Biscuits and wafers-it involves pressing biscuits or wafer cream on the chocolate that has been placed in the cavity
Others include pure chocolate, filled chocolate, and nut mixed chocolate.
However, the equipment is also suitable for preparing chocolate bars, blocks, drops, cubes or any other products of various shapes.

Of course, they come in different sizes, depending on the unique specifications.

However, all these products and configurations are possible because they all come from the mold cavity.

The chocolate mold forms the basis of the corresponding shape and size of the product.

For more product-related information, please click: Automatic Chocolate Production Line Factory

