Do You Know Relationship Between The Can Assembly Line And Education System?

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This is going to be a first in a series of 3 kind of related blogs. Been reading a lot of new books and wanted to share some insight I have gathered. The subject goes back to the good ol’ education and schooling system.

Henry Ford created one of the greatest systems in existence

This is going to be a first in a series of 3 kind of related blogs. Been reading a lot of new books and wanted to share some insight I have gathered. The subject goes back to the good ol’ education and schooling system.

Henry Ford created one of the greatest systems in existence. What made the car assembly line so unique was the fact that it was the most efficient system for producing the same results over and over again with little resources. You could put anyone in a position, quickly train them and they could produce the same results every time with no mistakes. They didn’t even need to be “skilled” workers cause anyone could listen to directions/be trained to do the work. There was a line out the door to work in that atmosphere cause the job paid extremely well. Workers knew that so they made sure they put in a great effort cause they didn’t want to lose their well paying, secure and rinse and repeat job.

Does this system/idea sound familiar? How about the education system. It’s structured like an assembly line. Not only is it physically set up like an assembly line where all students are placed in evenly spaced rows and in certain areas where they cannot get distracted by others (i.e friend hence assigned seats.) They are then given a set of simple rules to follow so they stay on task. Then they are given a system to present to them information, them to memorize it and then regurgitate it back onto a test. Its efficient cause everyone can learn it. Also, there doesn’t have to be “smart” people cause everyone is given the information in the same efficient system and at the same time. Everyone is created equal. If you fail you just drop out and the system keeps going. Its a well oiled machine that doesn’t let anyone break out of the normal and question what and how they are doing things.
