We Have Metal Cap Can Making Machinery Production Line For Sale

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1) Don’t rely on the end of the line for defect detection
The quicker you can catch a defect, and the closer to its point of origin, the less costly it is to address and the less disruptive it will be to the metal cap can making machinery production line as a whole.

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1) Don’t rely on the end of the line for defect detection
The quicker you can catch a defect, and the closer to its point of origin, the less costly it is to address and the less disruptive it will be to the metal cap can making machinery production line as a whole.

While end-of-line testing plays a good role in verifying the reliable function of a completed assembly, relying on EOL testing alone can be costly, complex and often problematic if it’s your only process for defect detection. If a problem crops up at this point, the only recourse may be a costly teardown to trace the root cause with only educated guesswork to guide the process.

Meanwhile, the production line may be left idle while you try to identify the cause to avoid your other product being affected by the same problem—slowing production and affecting your bottom line.

Learn more about the benefits of in-process testing for defect detection in this post, “Why Relying on End-of-Line Testing is Bad for Your Bottom Line.”

2) Consider your options before ordering a rip and replace of your whole system
Many manufacturers are hesitant about updates to their process because they’re envisioning a deployment of a large, complicated enterprise system. But when it comes to deploying modern IIoT/I4.0 technologies, the deployment cycle doesn’t have to be massive and complex.

In fact, it can be measured in hours, characterized by small, manageable steps instead of giant leaps.

With today’s modular and additive technologies, it is relatively easy to install data collection and analysis capability onto problematic processes or stations and have it start yielding valuable insight to improve your line almost immediately.

Once you have proven the value of such an investment at one station, it’s easy to expand the deployment across the production line or the entire plant.

Learn more with our post, “Quality Assurance is Falling Short? Consider Retrofit Before a Rip-and-Replace.”

3) Make sure your critical stations are set up for success
Many manufacturers find that upstream production issues are often red-flagged at the leak test station—provided your test is accurate and reliable.

Making more effective use of data to improve the reliability and efficiency of any process and test station on the line is part and parcel with IIoT/I4.0. Leak test is the perfect candidate for this, considering how challenging of a test it can be to get right, even under ideal circumstances.

Modern digital sensors and electronics, coupled with the latest in data analytics, are only part of the answer. Despite this digital age, a better leak test begins with mechanical engineering – having the right fixturing and connections and test pressures.

For more on leak test, this post provides helpful tips: “Factors In Identifying Proper Test Pressure for Your Leak Test.”

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