An additional thing back to the hair design thing

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I will agree in Animal Crossing Bells REAL life there have been cases where culture appropriation (not just black) has happened, which only comes down to respect. I personally do not care if someone of another race wears braids or a"cultural" hairstyle. Literally just do not be a racist POS. Now I can't speak for every black man but I know how it can be triggering to some when somebody who's white wears a specific hairstyle that's inclusive to black men and women. I just simply don't have that opinion.

Side note: I'm also biracial, I have always had a very balanced view on races and racism because of the dynamic of my loved growing up. I talk for my black side every chance I get because everyone can see that there's STILL serious BLATANT oppression of all POC all over the world.

An additional thing back to the hair design thing, that is like telling black girls which we can no longer purchase weave (extensions) since our hair is not naturally bone straight like that of a white man. It seems ridiculous right?

Also I have heard of the resurfacing of the new black panther party, I am not really educated on it along with their perspectives. All I can say like there are quite Pro-white groups on the market, there are Pro-black also. To me being Pro-black isn't ANTI any other race just like some of those groups teach, but I will not say there aren't pro-black groups that have views similar to the KKK itself preservation so on etc. I really don't associate myself with this and that I believe most black people do not associate with that as well. We just want a fair chance. We would like people to comprehend the deeper problem, which is and always has been racism and oppression that directly has a negative affect on our Cheap Animal Crossing Items right as human beings which is life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
