Know How Syringe Silk Screen Printing Machine Works

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Screen Printing, which is also known as Silk Screening, is a badass method of printing graphics on a t-shirt using thick inks that lay on top of the shirt rather than soaking into the shirt. Screen Printing is what most companies use and, back in the day, was the only major way to create b

Screen Printing, which is also known as Silk Screening, is a badass method of printing graphics on a t-shirt using thick inks that lay on top of the shirt rather than soaking into the shirt. Screen Printing is what most companies use and, back in the day, was the only major way to create bulk amounts of custom t-shirts. OneHourTees offers Screen Printing, along with one hour DTG printing, because in some cases, it’s better to use Screen Printing over DTG.

With thicker inks, screen printing is better for graphics with only one or two ink colors being used. Rather than DTG the screen printing will make these colors pop out at you like jack in the box. The thick ink will have a soft feeling if touched and can make for a really amazing look. If you’re in no rush and have minimal colors for a t-shirt, we recommend Screen Printing. It looks great and is often more affordable for larger quantities.

So how does Syringe Silk Screen Printing Machine work? Well, it’s not like DTG that’s for sure. Instead, a thin mesh is stretched tightly over a frame (originally the screen was made from silk, however, mostly made from polyester today). A negative of the design is printed onto the screen to be placed against the shirt. Once set correctly, ink is rolled over the screen, only the areas where the design has been printed allows ink to slip through. The ink then sets on the t-shirt and is put aside to dry.

We’ll be honest with you, it’s a lot more complicated than that. There’s a lot of separate chemicals, inks, and techniques that go into making your shirts, but that’s the jist. While it may not be as quick as DTG printing, it can result in a thick and bold design.

If you are interested in syringe machine, welcome to come and purchase!
