You Need to Know Export Situation Of China Green Tea

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China is the largest source of green tea in the US, accounting for 43 – 51 percent of annual CHINA GREEN TEA imports between 2015 and 2019. Noticeable gains in packaged green tea and organic green tea imports from China coincide with consumer data showing a growing preference for green t

China is the largest source of green tea in the US, accounting for 43 – 51 percent of annual CHINA GREEN TEA imports between 2015 and 2019. Noticeable gains in packaged green tea and organic green tea imports from China coincide with consumer data showing a growing preference for green teas over black teas.

Within the context of China’s total exports, the country retained 87% of its total tea production in 2019.

  • 366,600 metric tons (13%) were exported
  • 83% of that export volume was green tea

China’s green tea goes across the globe. A whopping 20%, or about 75 thousand metric tons, of China’s tea exports, go to Morocco. Morocco purchases vast quantities of green tea for both domestic consumption and re-export and by far the largest single importing country of Chinese green tea. The popularity of Moroccan mint green tea is the dominant contributing factor. The US takes a much smaller share of export volume, usually around 4% per year. In terms of dollar value, the US ranks number 6 – 8 on the list of China tea buying countries. Canada receives less than 0.5% of China’s tea exports. It is worth noting, however, that these numbers do not necessarily reflect the actual amount of Chinese tea in these countries’ markets. The US and Canada import packaged, blended, and flavored green teas from non-producing countries that can include Chinese green tea.

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