An Introduction on Problems Of Syringe Machine

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Problem: your syringe machine is washing away. Your screen printed image is washing away because the ink has not been totally cured.
Solution: There are a few possible solutions to fix this problem. The first is to simply dry your screen prints longer and have them in the conveyor heat

  1. Problem: your syringe machine is washing away. Your screen printed image is washing away because the ink has not been totally cured.

Solution: There are a few possible solutions to fix this problem. The first is to simply dry your screen prints longer and have them in the conveyor heat chamber for a longer period of time. Two, check to see if your conveyor dryer is reaching the proper temperature with Thermo-Tel heat sensitive tapes. If your dryer is not reaching the proper temperature your ink will never dry. Third, adjust the belt speed and oven temperature to the ink manufacturer’s recommendations. A lot of traditional screen printing inks cure at 320 degrees, which can be a problem. Try using low-cure inks, like Dynamic Ink, that cures at 280 degrees to stop your screen printed images from washing out.

  1. Problem: your prints lack opacity. This is referring to when your ink deposit on the shirt does not solidly block out the garment color. Your print may appear dull and weak.

Solution: Make your print more opaque by leaving a thicker ink deposit. You put a thicker deposit of ink on your shirt by either using a lower mesh count, a thicker stencil (more emulsion on the screen), or a larger amount of off contact. Another possible answer is to print a white underbase. An underbase prints helps the color on top look vibrant. You can also do a print, flash, print sequence and put two layers of the same color on top of each other.

If you need Syringe Production Line, contact us!
