How to Maintain Submersible Sewage Pumps?

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Because they operate out of sight, it can be easy to forget about maintenance. It is important to carry out checks on a regular basis in order to maximize efficiency and long-term performance. The following simple checks for Submersible Sewage Pump are recommended:


Because they operate out of sight, it can be easy to forget about maintenance. It is important to carry out checks on a regular basis in order to maximize efficiency and long-term performance. The following simple checks for Submersible Sewage Pump are recommended:

Inspect the pump output on a weekly basis
Check for water leaks
Ensure all electrical cables, valves and seals are in good order. Corroded seal can eventually lead to motor failure, so it’s a good idea to check this frequently.
Ensure that your pump always remains fully submerged, otherwise you may experience overheating.

Signs of impending failure or an issue in need of attention include lowered pump output, irregular water flow, abnormal or excessive noise, overheating motor, discoloured water, frequent clogging or excessive energy drain. If you notice any of these, it’s important that your pump is seen to by a qualified professional as soon as possible so that the issue can be fixed.

If you want to buy products from Submersible Pump Factory, contact us immediately!

