What are the steps to calibrate the agricultural knapsack sprayer

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Find a suitable area for spraying, preferably on a dry, hard surface where water will appear (do not use uneven surfaces, as this will result in different application rates)

  How to calibrate the agricultural knapsack sprayer:

  Accurately measure 1 liter of water in the measuring cup and put it in the backpack.

  Find a suitable area for spraying, preferably on a dry, hard surface where water will appear (do not use uneven surfaces, as this will result in different application rates)

  Make sure you have a handy sign to show the distance you are going to travel.

  Start spraying the contents of the backpack while continuing to walk forward in a straight line.

  Continue walking and spraying until the backpack is completely empty and mark the stop position.

  Measure how many square meters you covered when spraying.

  Check the capacity of your agricultural knapsack sprayer, such as a 16-liter backpack.

  Multiply the capacity of the agricultural knapsack sprayer by the square meters covered.

  For example, if you have a 16L backpack and measure that you cover 20 square meters, then you will calculate 16L (backpack capacity) x 20m2 (covering 1L area) = 320 square meters. This is the area that the entire backpack will cover.

  Then calculate how much chemicals to add to the backpack tank, divide the product rate (L/ha) by 10,000, and then multiply by the area covered by a complete backpack.

  For example, using the above agricultural knapsack sprayer and a product with a flow rate of 5L/ha, the formula is 5 divided by 10000 times 320, which is 0.16L or 160ml.

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