Definition Of Pp Compression Fitting

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The pp compression fitting are one of the most common and universal methods for connecting metal or rigid plastic pipes.


The pp compression fitting are one of the most common and universal methods for connecting metal or rigid plastic pipes. The pp compression fitting are particularly useful due to their extremely high temperature and pressure capabilities and compatibility with corrosive fluids, and can be seen in various systems from the gas pipe of the refinery to the pipe under the sink.

Applications for miniature PP compression accessories range from chromatography and bomb detection instruments to medical equipment and inkjet printing. Whether it's a water heater in your home or a pipeline that transports hazardous chemicals, all pp compression fitting applications have several things in common: they need to be easy to assemble, have a long service life and absolutely no leakage.

The design of pp compression fitting varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, but they are all made up of the same three basic elements: compression nut or screw, one or more sealing washers, and pp compression joint body. The functional principle of each component is also roughly the same between designs: insert the tube into the end of the joint and tighten the nut/screw to force the ferrule into the joint body. When the ferrule moves axially into the fitting body, the oblique shape of the body radially compresses the end of the ferrule onto the outer diameter of the tube. It is this radial compression that forms a hermetic seal between the joint, the ferrule and the pipe, and gives the name to the compression joint.

The success of pp compression fitting in a given application depends on many factors. The main ones are joint and ferrule design, tubing selection and installation procedures.

