You Could Know Bad Effects For Sublimation Polyester Fabric

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The sublimation Polyester fabric is notorious for being harmful to the environment. However, many people do not know exactly why. Here are some of the main reasons:

Not biodegradable - Unlike organic cotton or hemp, polyester is not biodegradable; meaning, it will not decompose fo


The sublimation Polyester fabric is notorious for being harmful to the environment. However, many people do not know exactly why. Here are some of the main reasons:

Not biodegradable - Unlike organic cotton or hemp, polyester is not biodegradable; meaning, it will not decompose for 20 to possibly 200 years after production. If that doesn’t make you want to shy away, we don’t know what will.

A source of pollution - Polyester, among other synthetic fibers such as nylon and acrylic, makeup for nearly 60 percent of the world’s clothing materials. That means, anytime they are put through the wash, hundreds upon thousands of fibers are released into the water supply.

Energy-intensive - Not many are aware of this, but polyester is created through a heating process that requires an immense amount of energy. This is known as polymerization. During this process, several chemicals react with one another at temperatures ranging from 302 to 401°F. After polymerization occurs, the long polyester fibers need to cool and gallons of water are required for this step.

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