The project went ahead anyhow before the last weekend

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The project went ahead anyhow before the last weekend

"Hijacking to say please do not do so," Riot Gene composed in reaction to the Chronoshift statement in 2020. "We have very simple and easy to LoL accounts read policies around developing products around Riot Games. Please see the Legal Jibber Jabber (yes that's what it is called) as well as the policies on"

The project went ahead anyhow before the last weekend, even when the Chronoshiftdev accounts posted a message saying the developers were contacted by Riot's security division, who"attempted to dupe us into handing over our code and site to them"

"We have been working with this job for nearly 5 years and thousands of hours," Chronoshiftdev wrote. "We never asked for even as much as a contribution during all of this time, paying each the expenses out of our pockets. We have refused and banned individuals that offered us tens of thousands of dollars to gain access to the project."

The message contains a link to some screen capture of a dialogue with Zed, someone claiming to be a part of Riot's security department employee. It starts off well enough, saying Riot's legal team"isn't super thrilled in your job unfortunately and is looking for a way to come to a mutually acceptable ending to it."

However, the tone varies quickly when the developer involved fails to Best place to buy LoL accounts instantly play ball: Zed first implies that Riot is observing the Chronoshift team's activities in real time (like purported attempts to delete chat channels), and then produces a flat demand for your site, the source code, and most of identifiable information that had been shared with other developers.
