Detailed Explanation Of The Use Of Copper Hydroxide

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Basic Copper Carbonate has low hardness and only a very thin dense layer on the surface during die-casting, which is easily destroyed.

     Basic Copper Carbonate has low hardness and only a very thin dense layer on the surface during die-casting, which is easily destroyed. Therefore, it is recommended to use high-frequency and small-amplitude ultrasound when degreasing. The frequency is generally 28-32KHZ. It is more suitable to avoid ultrasound. Excessive strength destroys the dense layer of the workpiece. If the workpiece is not polished and the shape is simple, it is recommended not to use ultrasonic.

    As aluminum alloy is amphoteric metal, the degreasing liquid cannot be too alkaline, and the PH is generally controlled at 10-11. The concentration of sodium hydroxide in the alkaline degreasing solution is high, and the surface of the aluminum alloy may be uniformly corroded and matted. In general aluminum alloy degreasing formula, sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are the main components, and sodium hydroxide is not used as much as possible. This can effectively achieve the purpose of degreasing, and it can also avoid the corrosion problem of strong alkali on the metal matrix. .

    For process pure aluminum and aluminum-manganese alloys, 50% nitric acid is generally used. For aluminum alloys containing silicon, a sulfuric acid treatment is added before descaling, and "3 points of nitric acid + 1 point of 48%" hydrofluoric acid is used. Soak the mixed solution for 3-5S treatment, and at the same time strip out the pollutants in the sand hole, to achieve the effect of thorough descaling and removing dust on the surface.

    When sodium hydroxide is used for etching, the aluminum dissolved in the cleaning solution will gradually increase and aluminum hydroxide precipitation will be produced. Because some cleaning solutions need to add complexing agent or sodium gluconate, the descaling speed of Copper Hydroxide must be very strict. , Too slow, may cause serious corrosion, resulting in electroplating mottling problems.
