Which is cheaper, LPG or CNG?

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Changing to nature gas brings drivers many benefits, chief amongst this being economy.


Changing to nature gas brings drivers many benefits, chief amongst this being economy. Due to government incentivization, LPG and CNG vehicles receive government subsidies in many countries. LPG and CNG, moreover, provide real savings in terms of fuel costs.

Whilst prices vary between countries, the average cost of LPG is consistently far less expensive than petrol or diesel; in many cases, more than 50% cheaper. LPG drivers can on average expect to save up to 40% on fuel expenses annually. CNG is generally even cheaper than LPG, although it produces less than half the amount of energy than LPG does; resulting in LPG being more cost-effective in the long run.

There is also a very strong environmental case for switching to LPG or CNG, which are among the lowest of all fossil fuels in terms of emissions.

CNG is the cleaner burning fuel of the two, producing a smaller amount of harmful gases. However, LPG still brings many benefits. Studies have shown that using LPG instead of petrol or diesel contributes to far less CO, CO2, nitrogen oxides and HC emissions. LPG produces 68% fewer nitrogen oxides than petrol and 96% less than diesel, not to mention 1 20 times less particulate matter than diesel. In addition, LPG exhaust fumes contain practically no black carbon, which is a major contributor to global warming as well as a serious health hazard.

If you need to buy autogas kits such as LPG Regulator, CNG Emulator etc., I think Jiaxing Lineng Autogas Equipment Co., Ltd. is a good manufacturer. You can click the link or send an email to get more details.

