The Covid-19 pandemic has had – and is still having – a profound effect on the overall economy… but none more than on the healthcare industry. What this means for the healthcare industry is still being digested, but by the time October 2020 rolls around, most experts are predicting that Covid-19 will be mostly in the rear-view mirror, and that it will be safe for executive-level B2B meetings to resume. Consequently, our 13th Annual ‘Investment and M&A Opportunities in HEALTHCARE’ will be held October 5-6, 2020 at the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel in Nashville (same venue as last time).
To say that this will be a crucial time for healthcare entrepreneurs, investors, deal-making consultancies, to meet is undoubtedly an understatement. This will be the first time in almost a year for us to meet together, compare notes, network and to make informed plans for the future.