Nadia Filali
Head of Blockchain Program & Lead of LaBChain
Caisse des Dépôts
Since 2016, she has been the director of Blockchain programmes at Caisse des Dépôts, and is leading LaBChain, the first European consortium dedicated to banking and finance insurance. After starting her career in financial software publishing, Nadia Filali joined Caisse des Dépôts where she held several positions, including Head of Mandate Development, Transversal Project Management, and Deputy Head of Financial & Payment Back Offices.
In 2015, Nadia launched the LaBChain pilot program, the first European consortium and innovation lab dedicated to distributed registry technologies. It also supports the
regulatory work of the French institutions, and since May 2018 has been a member of the European Commission's Blockchain Forum Observatory.
At the same time, she is member of the board of the Digital Development Agency of Morocco and is a also a mentor for Chain Accelerator.
自2016年以来,她一直担任CaissedesDépôts区块链项目的主管,并领导LaBChain,这是第一个致力于银行和金融保险的欧洲财团。在开始她的金融软件出版事业后,Nadia Filali加入了CaissedesDépôts,担任过多个职位,包括任务开发负责人,横向项目管理部门以及财务和支付后台办公室副主管。
同时,她还是摩洛哥数字发展局的董事会成员,同时也是Chain Accelerator的导师。