Failure of Solar Dc Freezer Manufacturing Exporter

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Our experience is that in 99% of the cases, it is found that the problems related to the solar refrigerator compressor of Solar DC Freezer Manufacturing Exporter are related to the lack of power supply or malfunction of the refrigerator.


Our experience is that in 99% of the cases, it is found that the problems related to the solar refrigerator compressor of Solar DC Freezer Manufacturing Exporter are related to the lack of power supply or malfunction of the refrigerator.

Notes on power supply:

When we buy a 240-volt household refrigerator, we don't have to worry about the quality of the power supply. All houses meet the standards applicable to even heavy electrical appliances, so the current consumed by household refrigerators will not affect the house’s power supply. In fact, the power supply is always sufficient to run the refrigerator.

Some typical examples of what might go wrong.
A poor connection at the cable crimp and/or a burnt switch may cause the cable voltage to drop, so even if the battery voltage is read correctly at the source, it may not be read correctly at the end of the cable.
Batteries that are damaged by regular deep cycles will lose capacity because the lead plates will corrode due to deep discharge. Such batteries will have the following symptoms. (1) The battery will charge quickly, and a good battery takes several hours to charge. (2) If both ends are deformed, the battery may start to swell on the side, and the battery is almost certainly history. (3) The battery may become hot during charging. If a good charging system is used for charging, the battery should not become hot. (4) The battery voltage will drop quickly under load, causing the refrigerator to become unreliable.
Due to the continuous vibration of the vehicle, poor contact occasionally occurs on the refrigerator, especially in motorhomes and caravans. Be very careful to ensure that this does not happen. If you have checked all the other problems mentioned above, please check the contacts on the back of the refrigerator. If they look a bit loose, it is best to use hot glue contacts to prevent further movement.
The battery capacity of the solar system is too small. Sometimes the battery capacity of the solar system is sufficient to run the refrigerator in the summer when the solar energy is sufficient, but in the winter when the weather is cloudy, the battery may not be able to be used continuously between sunny days. This can be solved by adding additional solar panels and using MPPT type control Even in bad weather conditions, the battery can still be charged.
A system with insufficient solar panels will damage the battery and cost more money in the long run due to the demand for batteries. The vehicle is not always parked in full sunlight. When installing the battery panels, technicians often make incorrect calculations. The potential is based on the best-case panel energy supply. When the vehicle encounters a shadow, the panel will not be able to fully charge the battery, which will also cause the battery to fail. Some people will let the refrigerator run 24/7, but if the vehicle is parked under a tree or in the shade of a building, the sun will be exposed to the sun only part of the day. Please consider all of these factors before troubleshooting a refrigerator.
Battery voltage and its meaning:

In a 12-volt system, 11.9 volts is a depleted battery, and 12.7 volts is a fully charged stationary battery. Therefore, the difference between a fully charged and dead battery is only 0.8 volts. Through the existing wiring of the vehicle, it is easy to lose the 0.8 volt resistance.

We sometimes see that the battery voltage is 13.7. This is the time to charge the battery via solar power, alternator or 240 volt charger. When all the charging systems are disconnected, the voltage should drop to 12.7 at rest (no entry and no exit). A battery voltage lower than 12.7 indicates that the battery has not been fully charged or is no longer suitable.

If we see that the voltage is around 14.9, then the solar system is going through the final stage of the charging process. This should only happen for about 90 minutes a day. If the voltage of 14.9 lasts for more than 90 minutes, the system has malfunctioned and you may damage the battery due to overcharging.

Therefore, if you suspect that there is a problem with the battery, be sure to check whether the solar system is disconnected before checking the battery. We have seen many "so-called experts" perform load tests on batteries while the solar system is still connected. The solar system will try to keep up when the load test is complete. This will produce false readings. They will naturally think that the battery is in good condition, but once the sun goes down, the refrigerator will have a low voltage supply and will shut down again because the battery is drained again at night Exhausted.
For more product related information, please click:China Ice Cream Freezer Suppliers

