Distribution Cable Suppliers Introduces The Use Of Elevators

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As a power or signal transmission device, the cable is one of the equipment with the largest amount of electricity. Cables are usually composed of several or groups of conductors, and the material is copper. There are five types of cables, namely: bare wires, winding wires, power cables, c

As a power or signal transmission device, the cable is one of the equipment with the largest amount of electricity. Cables are usually composed of several or groups of conductors, and the material is copper. There are five types of cables, namely: bare wires, winding wires, power cables, communication cables, communication optical cables, and wires and cables for electrical equipment. Different types of cables have different scopes of use. under Distribution Cable Suppliers introduces the scope of cable use:

  1. Bare wires refer to products with only conductors and no insulation, such as steel-cored aluminum stranded wires, copper-aluminum busbars, electric locomotive wires, etc.; mainly used in suburban areas, rural areas, user main lines, switch cabinets, etc.
  2. Magnet wire, also known as winding wire, is an insulated wire used to manufacture coils or windings in electrical products. Mainly used for various motors, instruments, and so on.
  3. Power cables are cable products used to transmit and distribute high-power electrical energy in the main lines of the power system. They are often used in urban underground power grids, power station lead-out lines, internal power supply in industrial and mining enterprises, and underwater transmission lines across rivers and seas.
  4. The structure size of communication cables and optical fibers is usually small and uniform, and the manufacturing precision is high. It is widely used in signal transmission in various departments such as telecommunications, electricity, broadcasting, etc., and will gradually become the main body of future communication networks.
  5. Wires and cables that directly transmit electrical energy from the distribution point of the power system to the power supply connection lines of various electrical equipment and appliances are often used for electrical installation lines and control signals in equipment used by various industrial, and agricultural, industrial and mining enterprises. wire and cable.

In general, wire and cable products are mainly used in power systems, information transmission, and instrumentation systems.

Power system: The wire and cable products used mainly include overhead bare wires, bus bars, power cables, branch cables, electromagnetic wires, and electrical equipment wires and cables for power equipment.

Information transmission: mainly include local telephone cables, TV cables, electronic cables, radio frequency cables, optical fiber cables, data cables, electromagnetic wires, power communication, or other composite cables.Instrumentation system: Except for overhead bare wires, almost all other products are used, but mainly power cables, magnet wires, data cables, instrumentation cables, etc.

Through the above introduction, Connection Cable Manufacturers hopes that you can simply refer to the content of this article in future use.

