Know How to Install And Disconnect PP Compression Fitting

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To install tubing into a pp compression fitting, you must simply insert the tubing through the collet and O-ring, and into the body of the fitting. The only trick is to make sure you have inserted the tubing all the way into the fitting. If you have not pushed your tubing past the O-ring.


To install tubing into a pp compression fitting, you must simply insert the tubing through the collet and O-ring, and into the body of the fitting. The only trick is to make sure you have inserted the tubing all the way into the fitting. If you have not pushed your tubing past the O-ring.

To install tubing into a pp compression fitting, you must simply insert the tubing through the collet and O-ring, and into the body of the fitting. The only trick is to make sure you have inserted the tubing all the way into the fitting. If you have not pushed your tubing past the O-ring on the inside of the fitting, you will experience a leak because the O-ring is not sealing properly. One way to be sure that your tubing has been inserted all the way is to mark the end of it at about the three-quarter inch line. When you press the two pieces together, the three-quarter inch line should disappear into the fitting.

When a tube is installed in a fitting, the collet grabs onto it with its teeth. This feature holds the tube in place so that it does not slip out. When you pull on the tubing, the collet works against you and clamps harder onto the tube. In order to release it, you must pull the collet down towards the fitting (to release its teeth from the tubing) and pull the tubing away from the fitting. This easy process allows you to connect and release this fitting easily and quickly so you can work quickly and stay productive.

The pp quick connect fitting is also one of our products, welcome to your come and purchase!

