Know Your Options Of Trigger Sprayers

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Many products are just a packaging component away from success. This is certainly true of products like household chemicals, automotive cleaners, and others that can be a challenge to package. If your manufacturing involves chemical solutions, the only thing standing in your way may be the

  Many products are just a packaging component away from success. This is certainly true of products like household chemicals, automotive cleaners, and others that can be a challenge to package. If your manufacturing involves chemical solutions, the only thing standing in your way may be the need for chemical-resistant Mini Trigger Sprayer suppliers.


  chemical-resistant trigger sprayers can be the key to your product's success.There are many risks to using standard trigger sprayers when you should be using chemical-resistant trigger sprayers. Some risks are undesirable to consumers (and therefore, your revenue) while others have the potential to cause harm. None of these outcomes are desirable and all are avoidable.

  Some chemicals can cause a standard trigger sprayer to lose functionality. They may break down from corrosion or they can get clogged. In other instances, the product can discolor. Neither is good for instilling a sense of quality and confidence with consumers.

  Because return sales and consumer perception is increasingly key, you want to avoid these challenges. We always recommend research, consultation, and testing so you get exactly the right chemical-resistant trigger sprayers. This way, you get the most compatible and beneficial solution.


  It can be quite a process for a company to go-it-alone to find the right trigger sprayer. With this in mind, we wanted to help manufacturers understand where to start. Be sure to consider the following insight from our trigger sprayer experts.

  1. Recognize that Materials Matter

  When you are packaging corrosive chemicals, your packaging component choices make a huge difference in your product's appearance, performance, and shelf-life. If you are packaging aggressive chemicals like bleach, acids, and pesticides, along with too many others to list here, chemical-resistant trigger sprayers are a must.

  2. Know Your Options

  Chemical-resistant trigger sprayers don't have to be limiting. When it comes to output, your options range from 0.7cc to 4cc. Likewise, they come in a variety of styles and colors.

  3. Consider Branding Extras

  On some chemical-resistant trigger sprayers and when certain minimum quantities are met, you can customize the shroud with your logo, graphics, or instructions to your consumer. These little extras can make a big difference. Consumers can be confident that you care about correct product use when you provide instructions. And when instructions aren't critical, a little extra branding can go a long way.

  4. Ensure Quality Control

  Corrosion-prevention is a key point to providing a product with chemical-resistant trigger sprayers. Consider an all-plastic assembly or an assembly in which the springs and ball are hidden or protected.

  5. Get eCommerce-Ready Trigger Sprayer Design

  If you are selling your product via e-commerce and are using chemical-resistant trigger sprayers, be sure to keep it from leaking. As we have previously covered, product leakage is unpleasant for everyone. Luckily, there are many methods to prevent problems that threaten your eCommerce game. Whether it is using a heat seal liner, attaching and including the sprayer separately, or another solution, we have you covered.

     We offer all kinds of cosmetic packaging, such as Cosmetic Lotion Pump manufacturers, please consult us if you have any questions.
